Getting Out Of Jail With Bail Bonds In Las Vegas
When a person is arrested, the first priority for that person is to get out of jail as quickly as possible. There are a number of ways to get out of jail. One way is to post sufficient cash to cover the bail amount. If the bail amount is high, this may not be a realistic option for many defendants. The money will be tied up until the conclusion of the case, which can take many months or even years. Another option is to stay in jail until the arraignment hearing to request that the judge reduce the bail, which can be many days away. There is no guarantee that the judge will reduce the bail amount at the arraignment hearing. The best option for most people is to get bail bonds in Las Vegas. There are a number of reasons why defendants should choose bail bonds in Las Vegas to get out of jail. In Nevada, the state government mandated fee to get out of jail with a bail bond is 15% of the full bail amount. That means defendants can get out of jail with a lot less money than the full amount of the bail. Secondly, a bail bond company can get defendants out of jail quickly. Some defendants can even get bailed out quickly by themselves by making a phone call from the jail. Even at 15% of the bail amount, the fee for the bail bonds in Las Vegas may be unaffordable for some. If the defendant or the person guaranteeing the bail bond has good credit, it may be possible to pay the fee in installments. Almost all bail bond companies accept credit cards, so it is possible to use credit card financing in order to pay the bail bond fee. Those who think it may be too expensive to bail a family member or friend out of jail should not assume it is not affordable. In order for a defendant to get out of jail with bail bonds in Las Vegas, the bail bondsman has to believe that the defendant's risk of flight is low. That means it is ideal for the defendant to have strong ties to the local community. Having family members and a job in the local area can be very beneficial in alleviating concerns regarding risk of flight. The size of the bail will also influence the risk of flight. If the defendant does not have strong ties to the community or has a very high bail amount, more may be required before the defendant is released by the bail bondsman. If the bail bondsman believes there is a risk of flight, the defendant or the family member guaranteeing the bail bond may be required to post collateral. This is usually either a house or a vehicle. If the defendant skips on the bail, the bail bond company can seize the collateral and sell it in order to recover the bail that has been forfeited to the court. Collateral is usually not required unless the bail amount is high and the defendant has no ties to the local community. If the bail amount is extremely high, it may be hard to find a bail bondsman willing to post such a large amount. Most people can get out of jail quickly and efficiently by contact a bail bond company. Most are out of jail within a few hours. Jail can be a very unpleasant and unsafe place to stay. Those who have never been in jail may be traumatized by the experience. The best and quickest way to get out of jail is for the defendant to call a bail bond company or to have a friend or family member do the same. Click here for more information.